Review Chat Scope
1. Product Inquiry
These are the questions and concerns about the products either after ordering, before ordering, while using them. It includes the materials and proper usage/process.
4. Shipments and Orders
Inquiries about tracking an order, the timeframe of shipments or delivery, how soon an order is processed and where to purchase the items.
2. Authenticity and Legality
The customers may ask an assurance about the product authenticity, the legality of carrying the product everywhere, the safety, and the purpose of the product in connection with legal matters.
5. Returns and Exchange
This is how returns and exchange are processed. Proper rebuttal and explanation as to what the clients may ask and reasons. And this part can be considered as retention.
3. Benefits and Guarantee
These are the customer’s concerns and inquiries regarding the advantages and benefits of having the product. They may also require a guarantee of purchasing referring to returns when unsatisfied. Proper further explanation helps.